Source code for di_sensors.easy_line_follower

from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division

from di_sensors import line_follower
from di_sensors.easy_mutex import ifMutexAcquire, ifMutexRelease
import pickle

[docs]class EasyLineFollower(object): """ Higher-level of abstraction class for either the :py:class:`~di_sensors.line_follower.LineFollower` or :py:class:`~di_sensors.line_follower.LineFollowerRed`. """
[docs] def __init__(self, port = 'I2C', sensor_id = -1, calib_dir = '/home/pi/Dexter/', white_file = 'white_line.txt', black_file = 'black_line.txt', use_mutex = True): """ Initialize a class to interface with either the :py:class:`~di_sensors.line_follower.LineFollower` or the :py:class:`~di_sensors.line_follower.LineFollowerRed`. :param str port = "I2C": The port to which the line follower is connected. The ``"I2C"`` port corresponds to ``"RPI_1SW"`` bus. Can also choose port ``"AD1"``/``"AD2"`` only if it's connected to the GoPiGo3 and the line follower sensor (black board) is used. To find out more, check the :ref:`hardware specs <hardware-interface-section>` for more information about the ports. :param int sensor_id = -1: **-1** to automatically detect the connected line follower - this is the default value. It can also set to **1** to only use it with the line follower (red board) (:py:class:`~di_sensors.line_follower.LineFollowerRed`) or to **2** for the line follower (black board) (:py:class:`~di_sensors.line_follower.LineFollower`) [#]_. :param str calib_dir = "/home/pi/Dexter/": Directory where the calibration files are saved. It already has a default value set. :param str white_file = "white_line.txt": The name of the calibration file for the white line. :param str black_file = "black_line.txt": The name of the calibration file for the black line. :param bool use_mutex = True: Whether to use a mutex on the sensor or not. Recommended when the same sensor is called from multiple threads/processes. It's meant for the I2C line and does not protect the file I/O in multi-threaded applications. Upon instantiating an object of this class, after detecting the line follower, the calibration values are read and if they are not compatible with those required for the given line follower, default/generic calibration values will be set for both colors computed by taking the average of the 2 extremes. Important to keep in mind is that both line followers' calibration files are incompatible, because one uses 5 sensors and the other one 6 - there are also, more factors to consider, such as the kind of sensors used in the line follower, but for the most part, the incompatibility comes from the different number of sensors. .. [#] To see what module has been detected, check :py:attr:`~di_sensors.easy_line_follower.EasyLineFollower._sensor_id` attribute. If it's set to 0, then no line follower has been detected. """ self.file_white_calibration = calib_dir + white_file self.file_black_calibration = calib_dir + black_file self.use_mutex = use_mutex if port == "I2C": bus = "RPI_1SW" elif port == "AD1": bus = "GPG3_AD1" elif port == "AD2": bus = "GPG3_AD2" else: raise ValueError("selected port is not valid") ifMutexAcquire(self.use_mutex) try: self._test_dev = line_follower.LineFollower(bus) if sensor_id == 1: self._sensor_id = sensor_id self.sensor = line_follower.LineFollowerRed(bus) elif sensor_id == 2: self._sensor_id = sensor_id self.sensor = line_follower.LineFollower(bus) elif sensor_id == -1: self._sensor_id = self._detect_line_follower() if self._sensor_id == 1: self.sensor = line_follower.LineFollowerRed(bus) else: # sensor_module can only be 2, because otherwise an exception is raised self.sensor = line_follower.LineFollower(bus) except Exception as e: raise finally: ifMutexRelease(self.use_mutex) if self._sensor_id == 1: self._no_vals = 5 else: self._no_vals = 6 try: self.white_calibration = self.get_calibration('white', inplace=False) self.black_calibration = self.get_calibration('black', inplace=False) except ValueError: self.white_calibration = [1.0] * self._no_vals self.black_calibration = [0.0] * self._no_vals self._calculate_threshold()
def _calculate_threshold(self): """ calculates threshold for black and white based on the calibration data """ self._threshold = [(a + b) / 2.0 for a,b in zip(self.black_calibration, self.white_calibration)] def _detect_line_follower(self): """ returns 0 - for no line follower detected 1 - for detecting the line follower (red board) 2 - for detecting the line follower (black board) """ # see if the device is up and running device_on = False try: self._test_dev.i2c_bus.read_8() device_on = True except: pass if device_on is True: # then it means we have a line follower connected # we still don't know whether it is the black one or the red one board = 1 try: if self._test_dev.get_board() == 'Line Follower': board = 2 except: pass return board else: return 0
[docs] def set_calibration(self, color, inplace = True): """ Calibrate the sensor for the given ``color`` and save the values to file. :param str color: Either ``"white"`` for calibrating white or ``"black"`` for black. :param bool inplace = True: Apply the calibration values to this instantiated object too. Use :py:attr:`~di_sensors.easy_line_follower.EasyLineFollower.white_calibration` and :py:attr:`~di_sensors.easy_line_follower.EasyLineFollower.black_calibration` attributes to access the calibration values. """ vals = if color == 'white': fname = self.file_white_calibration elif color == 'black': fname = self.file_black_calibration else: fname = '' if fname != '': with open(fname, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(vals, f) if inplace is True: if color == 'white': self.white_calibration = vals if color == 'black': self.black_calibration = vals self._calculate_threshold()
[docs] def get_calibration(self, color, inplace = True): """ Read the calibration values from the disk for the given ``color``. :param str color: Either ``"white"`` for reading the calibration values for white or ``"black"`` for black. :param bool inplace = True: Apply the read values to this instantiated object too. Use :py:attr:`~di_sensors.easy_line_follower.EasyLineFollower.white_calibration` :py:attr:`~di_sensors.easy_line_follower.EasyLineFollower.black_calibration` to access the calibration values. :rtype: 5/6-element list depending on which line follower is used. :returns: The calibrated values for the given color. :raises ~exception.ValueError: When the read file is incompatible with what the line follower expects. This can happen if a line follower has been calibrated and then switched with another one of a different type (like going from the black -> red board or vice-versa). """ line = [] try: if color == 'white': fname = self.file_white_calibration elif color == 'black': fname = self.file_black_calibration if color == 'white' or color == 'black': with open(fname, 'rb') as f: line = pickle.load(f) except: if color == 'white': line = [1.0] * self._no_vals elif color == 'black': line = [0.0] * self._no_vals if len(line) != self._no_vals: raise ValueError('incompatible calibration file') else: if inplace is True: if color == 'white': self.white_calibration = line if color == 'black': self.black_calibration = line self._calculate_threshold() return line
[docs] def read(self, representation="raw"): """ Read the sensors' values from either line follower. :param str representation="raw": It's set by-default to ``"raw"`` , but it can also be ``"bivariate"``, ``"bivariate-str"`` or ``"weighted-avg"``. :raises ~exceptions.OSError: If the line follower sensor is not reachable. Each of the line followers' order of the sensors' values is the same as the one in each read method of them both: :py:meth:`di_sensors.line_follower.LineFollower.read_sensors` and :py:meth:`di_sensors.line_follower.LineFollowerRed.read_sensors`. For ``representation="raw"`` For this, raw values are returned from the line follower sensor. Values range between **0** and **1** and there can be 5 or 6 values returned depending on what line follower sensor is used. For ``representation="bivariate"`` In this case, a list with the length equal to the number of sensors present on the given line follower is returned. Values are either **0** (for black) or **1** (for white). In order to get good results, make sure the line follower is properly calibrated. For ``representation="bivariate-str"`` Same as ``"bivariate"`` except that **0** is replaced with letter `b` (for black) and **1** with `w` (for white). For ``representation="weighted-avg"`` Returns a 2-element tuple. The first element is an estimated position of the line. The estimate is computed using a weighted average of each sensor value (regardless of which line follower sensor is used), so that if the black line is on the left of the line follower, the returned value will be in the **0.0-0.5** range and if it's on the right, it's in the **0.5-1.0** range, thus making **0.5** the center point of the black line. Keep in mind that the sensor's orientation is determined by the order of the returned sensor values and not by how the sensor is positioned on the robot. Check :py:meth:`~di_sensors.line_follower.LineFollower.read_sensors` and :py:meth:`~di_sensors.line_follower.LineFollowerRed.read_sensors` methods to see how the values are returned. If the line follower sensor ends up on a surface with an homogeneous color (or shade of grey), the returned value will circle around **0.5**. The 2nd element is an integer taking 3 values: **1** if the line follower only detects black, **2** if it only detects white and **0** for the rest of cases. """ ifMutexAcquire(self.use_mutex) try: if representation == 'raw': return self.sensor.read_sensors() elif representation == 'bivariate': raw_vals = self.sensor.read_sensors() return self._bivariate(raw_vals) elif representation == 'bivariate-str': raw_vals ='bivariate') return self._bivariate_str(raw_vals) elif representation == 'weighted-avg': raw_vals = self.sensor.read_sensors() return self._weighted_avg(raw_vals) else: pass except Exception as e: raise finally: ifMutexRelease(self.use_mutex)
[docs] def position_01(self): """ Same as calling :py:meth:`` method like ``read("bivariate")``. :rtype: list(int) :returns: A list of 0s and 1s for each sensor of the line follower. :raises: Check :py:meth:``. """ return"bivariate")
[docs] def position_bw(self): """ Same as calling :py:meth:`` method like ``read("bivariate-str")``. :rtype: str :returns: A string with a bunch of ``"w"`` (for white) and ``"b"`` (for black) representing the detected color on each sensor. :raises: Check :py:meth:``. """ return"bivariate-str")
[docs] def position(self): """ Returns a string telling to which side the black line that we're following is located. :returns: String that's indicating the location of the black line. :rtype: str :raises: Check :py:meth:``. .. important:: It is assumed that with this method, the line follower is properly oriented on the GoPiGo. For the red line follower, when looking forward, the **left** marking on the board is on the left and vice-versa for the **right** marking. As for the black line follower, the wiggly white arrow on the board is pointed forward. The strings this method can return are the following: * ``"center"`` - when the line is found in the middle. * ``"black"`` - when the line follower sensor only detects black surfaces. * ``"white"`` - when the line follower sensor only detects white surfaces. * ``"left"`` - when the black line is located on the left of the sensor. * ``"right"`` - when the black line is located on the right of the sensor. """ estimated_position, lost_line ='weighted-avg') return self._position(estimated_position, lost_line)
[docs] def position_val(self): """ Same as calling :py:meth:`` method like ``read("weighted-avg")``. :rtype: int :returns: Range is between **0** and **30**. When following a line the values will be between 0 and 10. For values smaller than **5**, the black line is on the left of the robot, and for values bigger than **5** but no more than **10** the line is to the right. **5** suggests the black line is in the middle. It can also return **20** if it's all black, or **30** for all white. :raises: Check :py:meth:``. """ weights ="weighted-avg") return round(weights[0] * 10, 0) if weights[1] == 0 else round(weights[1] + 1, 0) * 10
def get_white_calibration(self): self.set_calibration('white') return self.white_calibration def get_black_calibration(self): self.set_calibration('black') return self.black_calibration def read_raw_sensors(self): return def read_binary(self): return self.position_01() def read_position(self): return self.position() def read_position_str(self): return self.position_bw() def _bivariate(self, raw_vals): six_vals = [0] * self._no_vals for i in range(self._no_vals): if raw_vals[i] > self._threshold[i]: six_vals[i] = 1 else: six_vals[i] = 0 return six_vals def _bivariate_str(self, raw_vals): string_vals = ''.join(['b' if sensor_val == 0 else 'w' for sensor_val in raw_vals]) return string_vals def _weighted_avg(self, raw_vals): for i in range(self._no_vals): try: raw_vals[i] = (raw_vals[i] - self.black_calibration[i]) / (self.white_calibration[i] - self.black_calibration[i]) except ZeroDivisionError: raw_vals[i] = 0.0 if raw_vals[i] < 0: raw_vals[i] = 0.0 if raw_vals[i] > 1: raw_vals[i] = 1.0 raw_vals[i] = 1.0 - raw_vals[i] norm_vals = raw_vals numerator = sum([i * norm_vals[i] for i in range(self._no_vals)]) denominator = float(sum(norm_vals)) try: position = numerator / (denominator * (self._no_vals - 1)) except ZeroDivisionError: position = 0.5 hits = 0 lost_line_type = 0 for i in range(self._no_vals): hits += 1 if raw_vals[i] > self._threshold[i] else 0 if hits == self._no_vals: lost_line_type = 1 if hits == 0: lost_line_type = 2 return position, lost_line_type def _position(self, estimated_position, lost_line): if lost_line == 1: return "black" elif lost_line == 2: return "white" else: if estimated_position >= 0.4 and estimated_position <= 0.6: return "center" if estimated_position >= 0.0 and estimated_position < 0.4: return "left" if estimated_position > 0.6 and estimated_position <= 1.0: return "right" return "unknown"