Source code for di_sensors.line_follower

# Copyright (c) 2019 Dexter Industries
# Released under the MIT license (
# For more information see
# Python drivers for the Dexter Industries Line Follower sensor

from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division

import di_i2c
import time

[docs]class LineFollower(object): """ Class for interfacing with the `Line Follower Sensor (black board)`_. .. important:: This sensor is the replacement for the red one :py:class:`~di_sensors.line_follower.LineFollowerRed`, which is getting retired, but we'll still support it. The improvements of this one over the red one are: 1. Much faster poll rate - **~130** times a second vs the red one at **~60Hz**. 2. More energy efficient - this one uses a **minimum** amount of power compared to the previous generation which tended to get hot to touch. 3. Sensors are much more **accurate and consistent** over the red ones. 4. **Reduced overhead** on the I2C line. """
[docs] def __init__(self, bus = "RPI_1SW"): """ Constructor for initializing an object to interface with the `Line Follower Sensor (black board)`_. :param str bus = "RPI_1SW": The bus to which the `Line Follower Sensor (black board)`_ is connected to. By default, it's set to ``"RPI_1SW"``. Check the :ref:`hardware specs <hardware-interface-section>` for more information about the ports. """ # create an I2C bus object and set the address self.i2c_bus = di_i2c.DI_I2C(bus = bus, address = 0x06)
[docs] def read_sensors(self): """ Read the line follower's values. :returns: A 6-element tuple with line sensors 1 through 6 **(from left to right with the arrow pointing forward)** with values between **0** (black) and **1** (white). :rtype: tuple :raises ~exceptions.OSError: When the `Line Follower Sensor (black board)`_ is not reachable. """ array = self.i2c_bus.read_list(0x01, 8) for s in range(6): array[s] = (array[s] << 2) | ((array[6 + int(s / 4)] >> (2 * (s % 4))) & 0x03) array[s] = (1023 - array[s]) / 1023.0 array = array[:6] array = array[::-1] return array
[docs] def get_manufacturer(self): """ Read the manufacturer of the `Line Follower Sensor (black board)`_'s. :returns: The name of the manufacturer. :rtype: str :raises ~exceptions.OSError: When the `Line Follower Sensor (black board)`_ is not reachable. """ array = self.i2c_bus.read_list(0x11, 20) name = "" for c in range(20): if array[c] != 0: name += chr(array[c]) else: break return name
[docs] def get_board(self): """ Read the board name of the `Line Follower Sensor (black board)`_. :returns: The name of the board. :rtype: str :raises ~exceptions.OSError: When the `Line Follower Sensor (black board)`_ is not reachable. """ array = self.i2c_bus.read_list(0x12, 20) name = "" for c in range(20): if array[c] != 0: name += chr(array[c]) else: break return name
[docs] def get_version_firmware(self): """ Get the firmware version currently residing on the `Line Follower Sensor (black board)`_. :returns: The version of the firmware. :rtype: str :raises ~exceptions.OSError: When the `Line Follower Sensor (black board)`_ is not reachable. """ self.i2c_bus.write_8(0x13) return self.i2c_bus.read_32()
[docs]class LineFollowerRed(object): """ Class for interfacing with the depreciated `Line Follower Sensor (red board)`_. """
[docs] def __init__(self, bus = "RPI_1SW"): """ Constructor for initializing an object to interface with the depreciated `Line Follower Sensor (red board)`_. :param str bus = "RPI_1SW": The bus to which the depreciated `Line Follower Sensor (red board)`_ is connected to. By default, it's set to ``"RPI_1SW"``. Check the :ref:`hardware specs <hardware-interface-section>` for more information about the ports. """ # create an I2C bus object and set the address self.i2c_bus = di_i2c.DI_I2C(bus = bus, address = 0x06)
[docs] def read_sensors(self): """ Read the line follower's values. :returns: A 5-element tuple with the 1st element starting from the left of the sensor going to the right of it **(check the markings on the sensor)** with values between **0** (for black) and **1** (for white). :rtype: tuple :raises ~exceptions.OSError: When the depreciated `Line Follower Sensor (red board)`_ is not reachable. """ self.i2c_bus.write_reg_list(0x01, [0x03] + 3 * [0x00]) time.sleep(0.01) self.i2c_bus.write_reg_list(0x01, [0x03] + 3 * [0x00]) array = self.i2c_bus.read_list(None, 10) output = [] for step in range(5): temp = array[2 * step] * 256 + array[2 * step + 1] output.append((1023 - temp) / 1023.0) return output[::-1]